Frequently Asked Questions

It is highly recommended that your delivery address is the same as your billing address. Delivery will be subjected to fraud risk assessment and the order could be sent to your billing address if the risk of fraud is anticipated high

If the item you received is faulty, please contact us and quote your order number, your name and address, details of the product and the reason for return, and whether you require a refund or a replacement. We will then advise on how to proceed with the return. You can return the faulty product within 30 days of receipt. The fault must be reported to us within 30 days of the purchase date. We require any faulty product back in full for testing and examination. We accept all returns for quality issues and we will refund your full amount including postage. Refunds or exchanges will be the equivalent value of hair products received.

If no fault is present, or the product has been damaged in any way by the customer, we will not refund or replace the goods. You will have the option to pay for its return to you. If you do not reply or refuse to make payment for its return to you, the item will be held for 30 days and then destroyed. We recommend the usage of our products we suggest in our product instructions. We will not refund if our products have not been maintained properly.

UK Standard Delivery is free for orders over £30. A parcel cannot exceed a certain regulated size (61cm x 46cm x 46cm) and weight (2kg) that the Free Delviery Service can carry. Some products  might exceed the maximum size of the free delivery service. The free delivery offer is not available if your order contains more than 2 items of restricted goods or exceeds the maximum size of the free UK standard delivery service.

You can simply choose the options available during checkout. The cost of shipping is calculated automatically on the checkout page once the delivery destination is confirmed. Please tell us any of your postage enquiries by adding your own message in the message window while you proceed with your order.

Before contacting us please take note of the timescales required to process a refund:

  • Please allow 5 working days from receipt of a return for us to process a refund. This may take longer during the Christmas Period.
  • Once a refund is processed you will receive an email confirming this (the email will be sent to the same email address where your Order Confirmation email was sent).
  • After receiving the return confirmation email, please allow a further 5-10 working days for the refund to be credited to your account. This timescale is dictated by your bank or card issuer and is outside of our control. (N.B Your refund will be credited to the same card with which you made your original purchase.
Please email us at contact us with your order id, delivery address and return reason. And please return the order with the original packaging to the address specified on the order invoice you received. We will process the return once we receive your returned order.

We include as much information as possible about a product on the product page. Usually, more detailed information like product length and units can be found on the product page. If you need more detailed information, please contact us quoting the product name, model(if available), which can be found on the product page .

This means that the product is temporarily out of stock or has been discontinued. Tip - We often take repeat deliveries of popular products and occasionally customers will return items to us that do not fit. We would advise you to keep checking the site to see if your desired item becomes available again.

You need to order before 3pm (Mon-Fri) for guaranteed next working day (Mon-Fri) delivery. Current only Royalmail will deliver on Saturday We cannot guarantee delivery on Saturdays for some delivery service. You will receive the items on the next working day upon despatch.

Always make sure you provide the correct delivery address. Orders with Royalmail Tracked/DPD always arrive on time. In experience however there are very rare situation that it delays. We are not responsible for orders that have been delayed by the carrier over which we have no control. Please place your order earlier to avoid delay.

If after 10 working days (25 working days for overseas parcels) of despatch you still have not received the item please contact us and we will either send the replacement or refund you.


If you are registered with us you can always track your order status by logging into your account. The order tracking number is sent to you via email when the order has been despatched.